Brindlemoor Email and Social Media Marketing has you covered with more years of experience than we care to admit. We know how to get emails open, read, and transitioned into sales and how to keep your customers engaged on the social media battlefield. 


Email Marketing

Why not just do your own email marketing? Find an email service provider for templates, type some stuff up, add an image, load up some email addresses (hello, family!) and boom, you're done with your email marketing, right? Not so fast. (In fact, I bet that process itself wasn't even as fast as you thought it may be.)

How did the email look and feel? Professional? Friendly? Overly enthusiastic!!!!!!? Was it polished? Did it use graphics that were meaningful for the message, and provide clear take away actions for the reader? Will you take the email's analytics and use it to continuously improve how your messages get to your audience? Or did it look "good enough" and your mom's friends will DEFINITELY read it so it'll be fine?

There's a science to email marketing. Every decision we make is to strategically get customers to go to your website, make a purchase, or learn about something important. Not only does Brindlemoor Email and Social Media Marketing know all the bells and whistles of the most commonly used platforms, we know how to make messages that matter and how to look at analytics to see what's working and what needs to change. Plus, there's this legal thing called the 2009 Can Spam Act and we can make sure you stay on the right side of the law.


Social Media

We get it, you have your own social media page so you're good with social media, but is your business page reaching the right audience? Are you over saturating your followers or not keeping them engaged enough? It's a tough combination that we've nailed down. We can help direct you to the perfect combination of social media that fits with your business and the amount that's best for the consumer.